Presentation of initial test findings from drop testing and slow pull of Sterling Tactical Response and VT eye to eye cords.
Interested in learning how other teams do things differently and what kinds of challenges they face?
An introduction to evaluating ice as a medium, the equipment required, and types of anchors which can be employed.
This course will cover the care of the newly born infant after a prehospital field delivery. This course discusses the anatomical changes in the newly born infant
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Partial REBOA: A System Approach. This course discusses approaches to REBOA
This presentation will discuss how to recognize signs of shock in the setting of pediatric trauma in the prehospital environment. Trends that are emerging in using Whole blood in peditarics in the