Lucas Device and Life Pack Monitor Training 24/25

Copper Mountain, CO US

Develop familiarity with the Lucas automatic chest compression device and the functions of the Life Pack Monitor.

Target Audience


Learning Objectives

Goals: get hands on training with the device and monitor

Discuss protocols and when it is used

Learn how to fix common faults




Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 0.50 Cardio
    • 0.50 NCCP-Cardio: Cardiac Arrest
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Copper Mountain Ski Patrol
0182 Copper Mountain Circle
Copper Mountain, CO 80443
United States
+1 (970) 968-2318

Nick Riendeau, EMT-P

Sam Danford EMT-P

Shawn Davis EMT-P

Mark Goldstein- MSN, RN, EMT-P IC, FAEN


EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Common Spirit Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG)

Available Credit

  • 0.50 Cardio
    • 0.50 NCCP-Cardio: Cardiac Arrest


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