Stabilize and Transport Devices
Copper Mountain, CO US
Discussion, review and hands on learning for :
Pelvic Binder, KTD, MedTech Vacuum Splint, Backboard and C Collar
Target Audience
Learning Objectives
-Review assessments and indications for use of Pelvic Binder, KTD, VMat Splint, Backboard and C Collar
-Individuals must demonstrate proficiency in assessment and usage of these tools
-Evaluation by EMT B member
Copper Mountain Ski Patrol
0182 Copper Circle
Copper Mountain, CO
United States
+1 (970) 968-2318
Kanani Eichholz, EMT B
Nick Minadeo, EMT B
Gracie Baker, EMT B
Cameron Unks, EMT B
Eric Tiede, EMT B
Seana Thompson, EMT B
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Common Spirit Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG)
Available Credit
- 0.50 Trauma