Patient Care and Rope Rescue
This training was conducted on the East Wall at Arapahoe Basin in Summit County, CO at the average elevation of 12,000ft above sea level. The purpose of this training was to locate, stabilize, package and extricate a hemodynamically stable patient using rope rescue techniques for the high angle (over 40 degree sleep) environment. Patient care objectives included but were not limited to: monitoring and assessing a patient in a Stokes litter, stabilizing an isolated orthopedic injury (splint, dress wounds) and monitoring GCS for a period of 2 hours or more. Other skills included crew resource management, communication and technical rope rescue with a static system safety factor of 10:1.
Target Audience
Arapahoe Basin Summer Mountain Patrol
Learning Objectives
Patient assessment and monitoring. High angle extrication. Spinal Motion Restriction protocols. Life-saving interventions using MARCH. ICS structure. Patient packaging with rope rescue considerations. Crew resource management.
East Wall at 12,500ft
Lukas Johnson, EMT
Paul Schmidt, EMT, Via Ferrata Manager
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Centura Health Prehospital Services Training Center and group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG).
Available Credit
- 2.00 State, Local, and Individual