Case Reviews Aortic Dissection and Trauma Bleeding Management

Copper Mountain, CO US

A review of our cases conducted by our Medical Advisor, Dr. Mike Ruygrok

Target Audience


Learning Objectives



Discuss Aortic Dissection, causes and interventions that can be performed at the BLS/ALS/Flights and in the ER.

Give feedback on this specific case, including interventions, communications, transport and considerations in an outdoor winter environment as well as the use of FFL.


Trauma and Stop the Bleed, MOI, initial assessments, interventions, considerations for transport considering the challenges presented in the winter environment at our ski resort.

Give feedback on this specific case including CSpine precautions, Venous and arterial bleed management, Pelvic Binder application and ALS interventions during transport to FFL.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 0.25 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
  • 0.25 Cardio
  • 0.25 Medical
  • 0.25 Trauma
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Copper Mountain Ski Patrol
0182 Copper Circle
Copper Mountain, CO 80443
United States
+1 (970) 968-2318

Dr. Mike Ruygrok

Med Dir Copper Mtn. Ski Patrol

Dir of Clin Integr, Common Spirit

Natl Clin Gov Board

Regional Quality Director, West Division

EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Common Spirit Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG)

Available Credit

  • 0.25 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
  • 0.25 Cardio
  • 0.25 Medical
  • 0.25 Trauma


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