Genesee-Highland- Foothills Feb 2025 CE Critical Assessments, managing hypotension and methods for Pain control including multimodal pain control
This course discusses critical thinking when performing patient assessments. It also discusses the concepts priming and heuristics and how that plays into decision EMS providers make. This course provides awareness and tools in to this when EMS providers should encounter this. It will also discuss what priming is and how to avoid it. This course will also discuss BLS & ALS methods for managing hypotension and pain control. This will go into depth about the use of pressors and multimodal pain control
Target Audience
EMS providers
Learning Objectives
1) The participant will be able to name what Hueristics, Priming and Intuition are and how this can play a roll in patient assessment and treatment.
2)The participant will be able to describe what multimodal pain control is and ho use BLS and ALS methods for pain management
3) The participant will be able to name both BLS and ALS methods for managing hypotension in a patient including using presseors and when to use them
Gina Scarbrough, NRP, FP-C
Scott Branney, MD
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Common Spirit Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF)
Available Credit
- 2.00 Medical
- 0.50 NCCP-Medical: Medication Delivery
- 0.50 NCCP-Medical: Pain Management