EMS and The Immuno-Compromised Patient-Webinar Week Session 2-January 30th 1100-1200 Hours
This class will introduce the student to the innate and acquired immune response. The subject matter will include the inflammatory response system and how it is key to the development of the immune response. The student will also be introduced to how immune compromised patients are at higher risk for sepsis. The student will be introduced to the different stages of sepsis, how to diagnose sepsis and the current treatment modalities
Manzo, Jessica M is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Webinar Week 2023
Time: Jan 30, 2023 08:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every day, until Feb 3, 2023, 5 occurrence(s)
Jan 30, 2023 08:30 AM
Jan 31, 2023 08:30 AM
Feb 1, 2023 08:30 AM
Feb 2, 2023 08:30 AM
Feb 3, 2023 08:30 AM
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Meeting ID: 967 0358 9113
Target Audience
EMS/Nursing Providers
Learning Objectives
Upon completion the student will be able to:
- Describe the differences between innate and acquired immunity.
- Identify how the inflammation process works.
- Describe how B-cells and T-cells work to develop immunity.
- List several common diseases that cause compromised immunity.
- List several common medications used to treat illness that cause compromised immunity.
- Detail the assessment process for sepsis and detail what criteria is included in a sepsis alert
Arthur “Lee” Meyer, AAS, CCEMP, I/C
EMS Coordinator, Centura Health
Lee became an Associate with Centura Health in June of 2011. Prior to that Lee started his EMS career in Kotzebue Alaska, working as Fire Fighter, EMT, Search and Rescue member and eventually Clinical Educator. Lee returned to his home state of Colorado and obtained his A.S. degree in Paramedicine through Arapahoe Community College and Swedish Paramedic Program. For the next 19 years, Lee worked as a Paramedic with Ambulance Service Company / AMR in both the 911 and interfacility arena, the last three of those years as Clinical & Education Coordinator. Lee went to Summit County Ambulance Service and obtained his certificate as a CCEMTP while working in the hills. In his spare time, Lee enjoys playing his drums, running, and time with his family
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Centura Health Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG)
Available Credit
- 1.00 Medical
- 1.00 NCCP-Medical: Immunological Emergencies
- 1.00 Nursing