Fluid Resuscitation
Discussion of fluid resuscitation protocols and hands-on practice with IV starts.
Target Audience
Arapahoe Basin Mountain Patrollers - EMT, EMT-IV and Paramedic
Learning Objectives
This training is a review of our modified protocols, derived from Denver Metro, regarding fluid resuscitation in pediatric and adult patients. A hands-on demonstration and review of IV and IO supplies: where they are stored, how to gain access and how to prep materials for ALS care providers. In-person training supplemented with online instructional videos for starting and IV and gaining IO access to the proximal tibia on an adult patient.
First Aid Room
Emily Marotta, EMT-IV
Devon Haire, EMT-P
Zach Schiess, EMT-P
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Centura Health Prehospital Services Training Center and Group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG)
Available Credit
- 0.25 Cardio
- 0.25 NCCP-Cardio: Cardiac Arrest
- 0.75 Trauma
- 0.75 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation