Review of ROSC and Termination of Resuscitation (TOR) per Denver Metro Protocols. How to identify ROSC using ETCO2 monitoring; treating for H's and T's; how to acquire a 12-lead ECG; fluid resuscitation protocol 20ml/kg. With regards to TOR - discussed advanced airway placement, dealing with death and the Resiliency Committee; what is anoxic encephalopathy and its causes.
Target Audience
Arapahoe Basin Summer Mountain Patrol
Learning Objectives
Pre-hospital patient care of acute cardiac arrest
Denver Metro Protocols for TOR
Post resuscitation care
A-Frame, 2nd Floor North
Zach Schiess, EMT-P
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Centura Health Prehospital Services Training Center and group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG).
Available Credit
- 0.50 Cardio
- 0.50 NCCP-Cardio: Post-Resuscitation Care
- 0.50 State, Local, and Individual