Spinal Motion Restriction and Pediatric Considerations
October 4, 2022
Review SMR protocols according to Denver Metro Protocols; practice spinal immobilization using vacuum mattress, scoop and rigid longboard. Discuss pediatric considerations in trauma patients. Discuss patient transport considerations.
Target Audience
Arapahoe Basin Ski Patrol
Learning Objectives
Practice spinal motion restriction with various types of equipment - vacuum mattress, scoop, longboard
Discuss pediatric considerations for SMR and transport
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Dillon, CO
United States
+1 (970) 513-5715
Jacob Vollenweider
EMS Continuing Education approved by the State of Colorado through Centura Health Prehospital Services Training Center and group # CO 039 (SAH), #CO 040 (PSF) and #CO 065 (SDG).
Available Credit
- 0.25 Operations
- 0.25 NCCP-Operations: Pediatric Transport
- 0.25 State, Local, and Individual
- 0.50 Trauma
- 0.50 NCCP-Trauma: Central Nervous System