This training will focus on the care of Pediatric patient in the prehospital environment.
This training will continue to explore the importance of sleep, and provide skills to improve wellness.
A review of environmental emergencies such as cold, heat, water, PT assessment, bites and stings, ETC. Review Denver Metro Protocols – 5000, 5010, 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050
Provide information regarding common complications of alcohol abuse disorder.
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Ski Patroller Instructor Training Program will use class lec
Partial REBOA: A System Approach. This course discusses approaches to REBOA
This presentation will discuss how to recognize signs of shock in the setting of pediatric trauma in the prehospital environment. Trends that are emerging in using Whole blood in peditarics in the