Partial REBOA: A System Approach. This course discusses approaches to REBOA
This presentation will discuss how to recognize signs of shock in the setting of pediatric trauma in the prehospital environment. Trends that are emerging in using Whole blood in peditarics in the
Something Funny Happened on the Way Home From the OR: This presentation is the personal story of Dr Todd Maxson whom encountered a traumatic event on his was home.
When the ‘Watched Pot’ Boils:Transport Management of the Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patient
Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Medicine: Stepping in Early with the Long View
Forensic Nursing, Trauma: More Than Meets the Eye
This is a panel Discussion involving a Trauma Call of a young woman whom sustained a life changing traumatic injury while skiing.
Research Article Group 2-Article 1: Propensity weighted analysis of
Volunteer Basic Life Support focused Quarterly EMS training. This course will educate the BLS provider in MCI RAMP Triage and helicopter Safety
9-11-2024 0900