• Live Onsite
Participants will learn strategies and tactics to become more effective users of transceivers and RECCO in avalanche SAR incidents.
  • 2.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
What if you don't have your whole team with you? This demonstration will show several different pick-offs using the equipment you carry on our harness. 
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
Effective coordination with partners is crucial to the success of search and rescue missions. We will discuss interagency relationships through the evolution of an incident.
  • 2.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
The use of winches for technical rope rescue in the backcountry is becoming more and more prevalent.
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
Parameters of a wide area search, specific types of search and corresponding search techniques.  This will be an introduction to a wide area search is, and what the commonalities vs.
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
In partnership (cooperation) with the high angle rescue training, drones will be utilized to assist in locating the subject, providing context to inbound and evacuation routes, while also providing
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
Search and rescue operations from a federal perspective involve the coordinated efforts of various government, state, and local agencies at the national level to locate, assist, and extract individ
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
Extremity fractures are a common occurrence in backcountry rescue events. These injuries can make the care and movement of the patient very difficult.
  • 1.00 Trauma
  • Live Onsite
No trailers needed: An option for transporting a patient in a litter via a single ATV. Please bring a DOT approved full face helmet.
  • 1.00 Operations
  • Live Onsite
Strong interagency relationships are critical to the work of BSAR teams.
  • 1.00 Operations
