Trauma Cases Studies – Shock Emphasis-Webinar 2023-WBT
Trauma Case Studies from Summit County
OHCA in 2023: Updates from Seattle and Beyond-Webinar 2023-WBT
All Jacked Up-Webinar 2023-WBT
“All Jacked Up” will hit home with almost all o
Cardiac Case Studies-Webinar 2023-WBT
This session will review the normal EKG findings present in the ACS patient, normal and abnormal coronary anatomy, and then the various presentations for chest pain and ultimately the STEMI patient.
Peri-Intubation Resuscitation: Try Not to Kill Your Patient While You’re Saving Them-Webinar 2023-WBT
Difficult Airway Management-Webinar 2023-WBT
This session will review most of the commonly available airway adjuncts and review the normal
Pediatric Respiratory Cases-Webinar 2023-WBT
This session will cover one of those types of calls that strikes fear into every provider’s heart: the sick pediatric patient.
Capnography For EMS-Webinar 2023-WBT
This session covers the underlying pathology the use of capnography for EMS providers.
Anaphylaxis Review and EPI; A Match made in Heaven-Webinar 2023-WBT
This session covers the underlying pathology of anaphylaxis, and allergic reactions.
Oxygenation-Refresher 2023-WBT
This is a recording from the 2023 Regional EMS RefresherHosted by Centura in collaboration with UCHealth and Children's Hospital.
- On-Demand
- 1.00 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
Cost $0.00